The headlights of your car are amongst the most useful hardware that you can have, not only for safety reasons, but to make sure that your drive is always as pleasant as possible. That is why it is important to make sure that the bulbs that you use in your car are of the best quality. In this brief article, we have shortlisted some of the best H11 bulbs that you can currently find in the market in the hopes of lighting up the choices that you have when it comes to the best bulbs for your car. We’ll go over what H11 bulbs actually are, what they can do, and what are the best H11 bulbs that you can currently get.
What are H11 Bulbs?
H11 bulbs are specialized filament bulbs that have been designed for driving in dark and dim conditions. These bulbs are typically installed in the place of fog lights and are excellent for driving either in the night, or during times of intense fog. H11 bulbs offer superior illumination which actually manages to cut through fog and darkness with ease. These bulbs make sure that you remain safe when driving during dim conditions because not only are they adept at cutting through fog and darkness, they also make sure that you don’t blind the person that is driving in front of you. H11 bulbs are placed in such a way that their light illuminates the road rather than what’s above the road. That way you can easily see what’s in front of you without actually harassing anyone else that is utilizing the road besides yourself.
What to Look For When Buying H11 Bulbs:
There are a few things that you should keep in mind when buying any bulb for your car. The first of these is the type. We personally are suckers for LEDs. Halogen bulbs are a thing of the past whereas HID bulbs are just way too expensive. LED is the way to go when buying any form of the bulb because of their efficiency, cheap cost, and the relatively low affect that they have on the environment.
The next thing that should be on your mind is whether the bulb is compatible with your car or not. That may seem like a given but you won’t believe the amount of times people end up buying bulbs only to find out that they won’t fit their cars so make sure you know exactly which bulbs are compatible with your car. Other factors that are essential to keep in mind when buying bulbs are the brightness and the lifespan. Each of those two will ensure how much use you’ll get out of the bulb so keep a keen eye on how long the bulb will last and how bright it will be. Typically for cars you want a bulb that lasts long, is bright, but doesn’t produce much glare so that you don’t disturb other drivers.
Six Best H11 Bulbs for Your Car:
Without further ado, here are the six best H11 bulbs that you can currently get. We’ll go over price, pros, and cons to make sure that you are able to make an informed decision when choosing the best H11 bulb.

H11: Morimoto 2 Stroke 2.0
The Morimoto 2 Stroke 2.0 built upon the previous version to give you a quality product that just works. The 2.0 costs a fair bit, coming in at $120 but the price seems worth it if they are able to give you at least 2 years of performance. One note before we get into the pros and cons, these are LED bulbs so they come with all the pros that all LED bulbs come with.
The first major pro of these bulbs is the brightness. The brightness level of these bulbs is just right, making sure that you get sufficient light to see but not too much so that you end up blinding others on the road. They are also incredibly easy to install and are almost glare-free.
The first con is the fan, it can become annoying really quick because of the sound it makes. Their light output in the rain is also something to mention. It isn’t terrible but you will lose some efficiency when using these bulbs in the rain.
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H11 Xtreme LED Pro Bulbs
The Xtreme LED Pro bulbs cost the same as the previous ones, coming in at $120 and are of great quality. The most outstanding feature of these bulbs is the material that is used in their making. They are made of an aluminum alloy that is great at absorbing heat and making sure that the bulb doesn’t overheat.
The bulbs are resistant to overheating and can work for a good while without a break. Their brightness also leaves little to be desired as the brightness is just right, not too bright and not too dim.
The first con that you’ll face with this bulb is the installation process. They are a little tricky to install, they also produce sufficient noise that you’ll notice them when the engine is off.
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H11 Xtreme LED CMB Bulbs
One of the most affordable options that you’ll find on this list, these bulbs come in at only $25. At that price, these bulbs deserve a closer look.
The biggest pro is the price obviously. Good LED bulbs at that price are rare and this is one of those products that are able to meet both quality and price. They are also very easy to install so you won’t have much trouble when putting these in.
The brightness of these bulbs leaves a little to be desired as they aren’t as bright as the others on this list. They are also prone to overheating which doesn’t make them suitable for extended use.
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H11 Diode Dynamics SLF Led Bulbs
Like most of the others on this list, these bulbs will also end up costing you $120.
The biggest pro of these bulbs is the easy installation of these bulbs. It is literally plugged and use with these bulbs. They are also available in multiple brightness levels so that you can choose which brightness level suits you the best.
These bulbs have been known to cause a little glare when in use so there is that. These bulbs are also prone to overheating which can cause them to burn out with extended periods of usage.
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H11 Halogen: Osram Cool Blue Boost
The only Halogen bulbs that you’ll find on this list, these bulbs come in at only $40.
They have incredible brightness which is sure to illuminate the road really easily. They are also a real breeze to install.
The color of the light of these bulbs isn’t the LED white light that people are now used to. These bulbs also have pretty high wattage which means they’ll consume more energy than others on this list.
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2-in- 1 LED Headlight Bulb Kit
The most expensive product on this list, this kit will end up costing you $180. These RGB bulbs allow for total control over the lights of your car complete with Bluetooth functionality.
A lot of options for lights because you can control exactly what the output of your lights will be. They are also incredibly resistant to heat so you shouldn’t have any problems with them overheating.
These bulbs come with 2 serious cons. The first is the price. These bulbs are quite expensive when compared to the others on this list. They are also pretty hard to install on your own even though they come with detailed installation steps.
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